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Reikartz COVID Free

We always place an emphasis on health and safety for all our Guests. Now, more than ever, we are entirely focused on the safety and health of all our Guests, Partners and Employees.

We adhered to the latest information of the evolving COVID-19, recommendations of the world’s leading health experts and government authorities – including the Ministry of Healthcare of Uzbekistan and the World Health Organization, to maximize the effectiveness of current protocols and tools in order to ensure comfortable and safe conditions for our Guests.

The following protective measures were implemented at all hotels and restaurants of Management Grup Otel:

  • Conducting daily employees’ health checks: temperature screening with a non-contact thermometer of all employees at the beginning and in the end of the shift of each employee;
  • All the employees are provided with personal protective equipment – masks and disposable gloves;
  • All the employees regularly undergo trainings and briefings and are acquainted with the requirements and recommendations of the Ministry of Healthcare and WHO;
  • The entrances to the hotels and restaurants are equipped with sanitizer stations with disinfectants;
  • We placed informative posters for Guests with the rules of conduct at the hotel and sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • We increased the frequency of cleaning public areas with obligatory disinfection of all high-touch surfaces;
  • We use professional cleaning products of European manufacture with recommendations and conclusions of relevant authorities and certificates of disinfectants for cleaning and disinfection;
  • We placed visual floor signs in all public areas to indicate safety social distance between our Guests (at least 1.5 m.);
  • Bed cloths and terry cloths are washed at high temperatures with professional certified products of European manufacture with obligatory ironing afterwards;
  • The food and beverage service are strictly regulated by the requirements of state standards and protocols and is based on the principles of HACCP food safety management;
  • We review food and beverage service in accordance with current food safety recommendations, organization of public areas and guest’s service – we have modified the way our Guests are served at the restaurants;
  • We implemented internal operational protocols and procedures and actions in case of emergency;
  • We are constantly monitoring information updates, recommendations of the experts and government organizations and try to do our best to provide as soon as possible all required safety measures. 

Dear Guests!

In order to prevent the spreading of the COVID-19 infection, we kindly ask you to follow the rules of conduct
at the hotel in accordance with sanitary and hygienic recommendations:

1. Be sure to read the sanitary and hygienic rules and hotel policies.
2. Obligatory presence and use of personal protective equipment (in particular, masks).
3. Be sure to sanitize your hands at the sanitary station at the entrance to the hotel.
4. Before checking in, we suggest you take a measurement of body temperature at the reception.
5. If possible, make a non-cash (contactless) payment for the hotel services.
6. Observe a distance not less than 1.5 m. relative to other Guests in the reception area and other areas of the hotel or restaurant.
7. After entering and leaving your room or a public toilet, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use sanitizers.
8. Follow the preventive recommendations of the Ministry of Healthcare and WHO:

  • Strengthen your immune system and monitor your well-being.
  • Do not touch your face. Do not touch your eyes, nose, mouth with dirty hands.
  • At the first symptoms of SARS, consult a doctor.
  • Avoid contact with people with symptoms of SARS. Keep a distance of 1.5 meters.
  • Eat thermally processed food.

9. If you need additional information and additional services, we ask you to contact the reception by phone in order to minimize personal contacts.
10. In case you have body temperature rise or notice symptoms of viral infection, it is necessary to stay in your room and inform the local health authority about the suspected infection.
You can find out the contact phone number of the local health authority by calling the hotel reception or on the website of the Ministry of Healthcare.
Do not expose other Guests to the risk of the infection, as well as the hotel and restaurant staff!
11. In case of non-compliance with the established rules and the requirements of sanitary and hygienic
recommendations, unfortunately, the hotel will be forced to refuse to check in or demand to leave the hotel.

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